Pink Fire Pointer May 2012

tatto girl

* Cute. Cute tattoos include everything from girly designs like flowers to feminine styles like butterfly tattoos. Cute tats are the most common design that girls get.
* Sexy. Sexy tattoos involve not just design, but also placement of the design. For instance a foot tattoo can be very sexy. Belly tattoos and low back tattoo designs have also been considered very sexy.
* Girl Power. Tattoos displaying strength of woman are some of the best tattoos for girls. Dragon tattoos for instance are very powerful and signify strength, while at the same time being very intricate and beautiful.
* Beautiful Designs. As mentioned, the dragon tattoo can be both beautiful and dangerous looking. Some very beautiful designs are also mural style designs. Flowers, vines, and vibrant coloring makes for very beautiful ink.
* Simple and Small. Some of the best tattoos for girls are small designs. Girls can get away with going very small for their tattoo, where as a small tattoo on a guy can look weak and silly. But a small design can ber very cute and sexy for girls.
* Old School Designs. Some old school tattoos can actually work great for girls. Especially old school pinup girl designs! Look at some of the ink that the Suicide Girls have for examples of old school designs that work well for women.
* Girlfriend Tattoos. Girls tend to put real meaning behind their ink. Many girlfriends will get together and choose the same or similar tattoos to get as a symbol of strong and special friendship. Tiny star tattoos work great for this. Each girl will pick a colored star, then all the girls will get their girlfrineds tiny star tattooed on them!

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tattoo fish

              Tattoo art has existed since centuries. Different types of tools are needed to make this work of art precise and effective.

Stick and poke

Stick and poke is often used for making tattoos at home. Generally experienced artists perform this work of art by using these tools. They make use of a sewing needle's tip and get it wrapped in ink-soaked thread, leaving the point protruding. The instrument is saturated with ink and the skin is pricked time and again for creating the design. The thread's purpose is to keep the needle point coated in ink so that more ink penetrates the skin.

Tattoo stencil

One of the most important instruments which you need to use for creating a perfect tattoo in today's world is a tattoo stencil. If you take a look at a general context, a large number of experienced tattooists tend to prefer the stencil method. It is better to opt for this particular method rather than the freehand design at the first step. When the tattoo is applied on the skin of the person, a considerable part of it needs to be stretched. If you are not using a stencil in this regard, the entire tattoo may exhibit quite a distorted look.

A very methodical process is followed during the use of the stencil. A carbon paper is usually used to copy the design on to the stencil. It is also important to keep in mind that the image always appears on the skin in a reverse format. Apart from the usage of carbon paper, a light label can also be used. After the stencil is made, it is ready to be applied on the customer's skin. Before the application of the stencil, the skin of the customer must be shaved properly. The proper use of antiseptic is also quite essential. Some of the tattoo experts use the roll on deodorant with the stencil. However, proper amount of pressure is needed to be put with the stencil to create the right design.


Outlining is also an important aspect of tattoo art. This outlining or inking is done through the use of needles. Different types of needles are used by tattoo artists to create the most effective outlines. Whether it is star tattoos, butterfly tattoos, Celtic tattoos, dragon tattoos or any other design, a needle is a must for tattooing. In the present times tattooing is done with electrical tattoo machines that insert ink in the skin through a group of needles, which are soldered into the bar and are attached to the oscillating unit. This unit drives the needles in and out of skin 80-150 times a second. These needles are usually single-use needles, which come packed individually.

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tatto dragon

                       When you are a tattoo artist, nothing is as important as getting the designs your customers want right. Permanent mistakes can ruin you as a credible artist. The tool most often used by professional tattoo artist to make sure the designs are right is tattoo stencil paper. Read on to learn how it works and where you can get it.

Tattoo stencil paper is a very useful tool for the tattoo artist. Its purpose is to transfer designs temporarily onto skin in order to use as a guide for the tattoo. There are a couple of different kinds of tattoo stencil paper, but most work in the same way. The design is either printed or drawn onto the stencil paper using a special transferable pencil or ink. The paper is then pressed onto the skin to transfer the image. The image can then be traced in order to ensure a perfect tattoo.

Why should you use tattoo stencil paper? Perhaps you think you don't really need stencil paper. But mistakes are possible, even with very experienced tattoo artists. Perhaps the design wasn't effectively communicated by the customer. If you use tattoo stencil paper, the customer has a chance to view the design before anything permanent is done. This also allows the customer to be sure they like the design and where it is going to be located.

Now that you know about tattoo stencil paper and why it is such a valuable tool, where can you purchase it? Tattoo stencil paper is usually available at any tattoo supply store, whether online or retail. There are different kinds of tattoo stencil paper available as well as tattoo stencil pencils and ink. Consider trying a few different kinds in order to see what styles you prefer.

From needles, ink and machines to body piercing jewelry and equipment, we can provide you with all the info as well as industry news and new products. Beginning with tattoo equipment, it's important to research the types of equipment that are out there and the pros and cons to using each. Tattoo guns [], needles, tubes, machines, tattoo transfer paper [], and inks are all key elements to starting a studio, shop, parlor or business. The guns and machines are usually hand crafted or homemade. As for the inks, it is crucial to carry a wide variety of colors so you as the artists can create rich and unique tattoo designs [].

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